You Don’t Need to Feel Desperate
In this episode I talk about the feeling of desperation. It is a feeling driven by fear. We have all felt it. It happens in times of uncertainty when your mind gets fixated on wanting a particular outcome to happen in order to alleviate your fears. The problem with desperation is that it keeps you
Ask For the Truth
In this episode I share a little about when my spiritual journey began. I talk about how during times of awakening, confusion, and uncertainty, I found myself going within and asking for truth. Seeking your own truth is an important part of the spiritual awakening process. By asking for truth you will be given answers
Choosing to Trust Your Higher Self
In this episode I share a bit about my journey of trusting my higher self. In 2016 I lost my job and I was terrified of what would happen next. I lived through the fear and uncertainty when everything I thought was certain no longer felt certain or secure. I knew I had to make
The Devil = Fear
In this episode I talk about a lesser know book written by the famous Napoleon Hill called Outwitting the Devil. Hill wrote this book in 1938 after he published his widely popular personal development/business book called Think and Grow Rich. This book was hidden away for over 70 years because it was considered controversial in
The Debate and Your Mirror
In this episode I reflect upon the first presidential debate of 2020 and how it was such a trigger. From feeling so off the next morning to seeing that maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. As we are all confronted with things that upset us and make us angry or annoyed, remember we are
Confusion Will Lead to Clarity
In this episode I talk about the fact that we are all feeling confused about what is going on in the world right now. Therefore, It is important to recognize your confusion and not just ignore it. Ask yourself – Why am I confused? Why doesn’t this make sense? The feeling of confusion is your
Are You Frustrated?
In this episode I talk about how its natural to feel frustrated when things are going the way you want or planned. Feeling frustration is a pushing against what is and where you are at right now. We are moving through an extraordinary period of change and not having clarity on where the world is
Wax On Wax Off
In this episode I talk about how we are all going through a spiritual training right now. Everything we are doing or being led to do has a meaning. Whether you spent the last few months taking up home projects like me, doing new things, taking care of others, learning new skills, or just found
Sadness is Part of Transformation
In this episode I talk about my experience with my current feelings of sadness. With so much uncertainty and fear in the world, many people are going through emotional swings. As I process my own sadness, I am reminded about a time when I went through a major change in my life 3 1/2 years
Change Your Perspective
In this episode I talk about about how you can quickly change your experience by changing your perspective. Everything can be seen from another perspective. There is not one truth. Typically we perceive things only one way and believe it to be our truth. However, by seeing things a new way, you can create a
Groundhog Day and Breaking the Cycle
In this episode I talk about one of my favorite movies from 1993, Groundhog Day, and how the wisdom in this comedic movie is very relevant to what we are experiencing today. When I saw this movie many years ago, I only viewed it as funny and entertainment. However, I see so much more in
How to Find Creation within the Chaos
In this episode I talk about how things are intensifying again in the world around us. With this intensity comes increased fear. As the energy around us intensifies, know that within this energy is also the energy of love, light, and miracles. Within the bad, there is always good. At this time it is important
Change is Happening from Within
In this episode I talk about how our bodies are going through changes that our minds may not yet understand as we prepare for a new and better time in our lives. Unexpected challenges or negative emotions that are coming up now, is your body’s way of purging old stuck beliefs and emotions that no
Listen to Your Intuition
In this episode I talk about how its your own intuition that will guide you through this time. As the world around you continues to be uncertain, you are being guided to go inward to seek answers to your questions. As the economy starts to open up, decisions that were once so simple have bigger
Opening Up to Receive
In this episode I talk about our current opportunity to take advantage of this time of “opening up”. As business start to open up in a new way, we will begin to experience simple things for the first time again. In the midst of chaos of upheaval, there is a renewed sense of appreciation for
Shedding a Layer of Fear
In this episode I talk about the fact we all have walls we have put up from a very young age in order to protect our sense of self. These walls are energetic barriers that have been built up out of fear. As part of this period of change and transformation we are being asked
Become an Observer of Your Thoughts
In this episode I talk about how to manage your mind through the current upheaval we are collectively experiencing. The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said, “You have the power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” By becoming the observer of your mind, you become the master of your
Be Open to Anything, Attached to Nothing
In this episode I was inspired by Wayne Dyer to share the principal of being open to anything and attached to nothing. In a time of continued change, upheaval, and uncertainty, realize that anything is possible. While things on the surface may seem scary and foretell challenging times ahead, this is not necessarily true. By
Heal What’s Broken
In this episode I wanted to address the injustice, violence, and chaos we are currently witnessing in the country. As the world transforms, the dark side of humanity is being exposed. At the same time, we have an incredible opportunity to heal. While the news feeds us fear and chaos, you need to search for
How to Visualize A Better Outcome
In this episode I talk about the power of visualization. If you can visualize in your mind’s eye your positive outcome, you can create it in your reality. How often do you take the time in your daily life to consciously envision what you desire to experience? Now is the time to proactively manage where
You are a Multidimensional Being
In this episode I talk about what it means to be a multidimensional being and why its important to step into your expanded self right now. Being multidimensional means you are not just one thing. You are many things at the same time. This includes being both physical and spiritual. It is the spiritual part
Life is Different and Different Can be Good
As summer kicks off with Memorial Day weekend, I discuss how we need to be aware of how our emotions will get triggered as the season changes. There is no doubt that this summer is not what we planned it to be. The fact is summer will be different this year because life currently is
When Your Relationship with Time Has Changed
In this episode I talk about how so much of our happiness is connected to our future plans. When we know something good is going to happen in the future because we planned it, whether its an outing, trip, social gathering, etc., we automatically feel happy thinking about it in anticipation. We have gotten so
Become a Spiritual Warrior of Light
In this episode I talk about energy, both positive and negative, and the real impact this energy is having on our lives currently. There is an unseen battle going on and its happening at an energetic level. While we can not see it with our eyes we can feel it within us. It is a
Opportunity in a Time of Rebirth
In this episode I talk about the cycles of life and death, birth and rebirth. We are currently in a new cycle of life, and we have entered a time of rebirth. Spring is a reminder that we are in a season of new beginnings. While it may seem dark and scary right now, underneath
Be Careful What You Let Into Your Head
In this episode I talk about the importance of what you are letting into your mind at this time. There is a powerful shift in energy within and outside of you that is fueling all the change we are experiencing. The strength of this energy will bring about change more quickly than what you have
Managing the Transition to a New Earth
In this episode I talk about how we are in a period of transition from the Old Earth to a New Earth. The Earth is conscious and is moving to a higher consciousness and vibration. As this happens old ways of being on this planet begin to break down and fall away so new and
Facing Your Inner Demons
In this episode I talk about how during this time we are being faced with ourselves. With most of your distractions being taken away from you, you are given the time to reflect on who you are, what’s important to you, and why you are here. I believe 2020 is all about clearing out the
Calm Breeds Calm, Panic Breeds Panic
In this episode I talk about the importance of being in a calm state when there is chaos all around you. Everything that is happening right now is happening for a reason. Your life is not random. When you are in states of fear and panic, you can not clearly see the reason or the
Using the Power of Non-Resistance in Challenging Times
In this episode I talk about how to release your resistance to your current situation in order to more easily create positive outcomes for yourself during this period of change. Resisting what IS, is holding onto negative energy within you. Resistance is an energetic barrier to your positive desires, and what you resist will persist.
Are You Moving to a Higher Level of Consciousness?
In this episode I talk about how we are currently going through a process of spiritual awakening when old ways of being and structures are being broken down, so something new and better can be created. This is all happening within ourselves. Our consciousness is expanding and as a result we find ourselves asking more
How to Stay in Balance through Polarizing Times
In this episode I talk about how the polarization of our world is a part of our spiritual awakening. Balancing the polarities is the key to the ascension of your consciousness. At this time, we are going through a lot of change – mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. More and more people are waking up
Riding the Wave of Change
In this episode I talk about the importance of riding the wave of change at this time, what this means, and how to do it gracefully. We struggle and suffer more when we resist things we cannot control. What we resist, persists. In order to move through this period of time with more ease, you
How to Find Freedom in the Now
In this episode I talk about the importance of staying in the present moment in order to move through this time of change with more ease. I feel that we are all being given the gift of slowing down and are being asked to live life in the present moment. When we cannot see into
Why Now is the Time to Set Powerful Intentions
In this episode I discuss 3 ways to transform the energy of fear and worry into a powerful creative force that actually benefits you and those around you. The amount of energy being harnessed right now is powerful. As you know, energy can neither be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed. You have
How to Move Energy from Dark to Light
In this episode I talk about how to move the dark, heavy, negative energy we are all feeling right now to the energy of Light and Love. There is an energetic battle going on right now, and you need to decide what side you are on. It is as much an internal battle as it
How to Use the Power of Polarity
In this episode I talk about how to use the Power of Polarity to manifest positive outcomes from perceived negative situations. I personally have found this to be a powerful concept in creating positive change. I share three simple steps to help you take back your control over your destiny and begin to shift your
How to Thrive Through Uncertainty
In the very first episode of the Your Hidden Light Podcast, I wanted to share how your can thrive during times of great uncertainty. As the world is going through a big shift, you have the opportunity to tune into a much higher vibration and create positive outcomes in your reality. Please join me as