Sadness is Part of Transformation

Sadness is Part of Transformation

00:00 / 9:11

In this episode I talk about my experience with my current feelings of sadness.  With so much uncertainty and fear in the world, many people are going through emotional swings.  As I process my own sadness, I am reminded about a time when I went through a major change in my life 3 1/2 years ago.  I share my story in this episode as an example of how our bodies process change with emotion.  Sadness and grief are part of the process of transformation.  If you are truly changing, then part of you has to die.  While your mind and soul are flexible and want to change and adapt, the body still needs to go through the process of purging old thoughts, attachments, and beliefs that are held within it.  We feel this process within the body through our emotions.  In this episode, I offer a perspective that your negative emotions at this time are really just part of your transformation.  They are an indication you are moving in the right direction.

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